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FBLA 2020-2021
FBLA 2020-2021
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) is one of the largest student career development organizations and business literacy education organizations in the world. It is also the most influential business event in American high schools.
Why join FBLA via WFBL
To give schools and students more educational resources
Through the WFBL competition, the school team can have more powerful teammates and more rich experience, help to achieve good results in the FBLA competition.
For more schools to understand and join FBLA
WFBL can instruct and assists the school to establish FBLA International Chapter.
- How to join FBLA via WFBL
Students who have performed well in WFBL competition at the school level will be eligible to form a school team to take part in the FBLA competition. The promotion rules are as follows:
- The top four groups in each country are ranked according to the team results to participate in FBLA.
- If any students in the promotion list give up the qualification to participate in the FBLA, the students who scored highest among the other students will be the successor of the qualification until the team number is enough.
International Business Olympiad © 2020 - 2024
www.business-olympiad.org | info@business-olympiad.org
International Business Olympiad is a global business program headquartered in Singapore
and managed by World Academic Olympics Group Pte. Ltd.